On this page you can find links to documents aimed at helping you prepare and submit your registration dossiers.

In addition to the resources from the European Chemical Agency [ECHA], the REACH Boron Consortium has prepared guidance documents on registration of boron and phosphorus as a component of a mixture [alloy] and on completion of sections 1 and 3 of a co-registrant dossier.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of the above guidance documents, neither the REACH Boron Consortium nor the respective Lead Registrants warrant their completeness or accuracy.

Completion of Co-Registrant IUCLID dossiers

The links below are to brief guidance to Co-Registrants to complete their co-registration IUCLID dossiers: 

IUCLID files

The links below are to IUCLID i6z files related to boron and phosphorus which member registrants can import into their IUCLID dossiers: